Version 1.054/1.055 (April 4th/2007)
- Just a small tweak fix (added an automatic link that shows when you start the
program to make it easy to either start using the software or visit the online forum
- Fixed a small 'key expired' message
Version 1.053 (February 26th/2007)
- Several small changes to the text in the software, plus also updating/uploading
the newest 'full' version
Version 1.052 (December 25th/2006)
- Fixed a couple more small bugs (i.e., a subscript error in the screensaver mode)
- Added a feature to 'save' a spammer list in the easy mode (saves up to the
5 most recent address)
- Cosmetic changes to make it look better ('prettier!' :))
- 'Merry Christmas'! :)
Version 1.051 (December 25th/2006)
- Small bug fix, additional spammer dossiers added
Version 1.050 (December 24th/2006)
- Better interface design, extra spammer dossiers
- A 'tell-a-friend' feature has been added (in easy mode)
- Better look & feel, and just ironing out a couple bugs
Version 1.049 (December 22nd/2006)
- Easier method for adding customized spammers to list
- New interface design
- New 'n00b' mode (for beginners, or quick access)
Version 1.048 (August 2nd/2006)
- Set default sleep time to 10ms (since some people aren't familiar with
it as a way to make it less cpu intensive, so set it to a good default)
- Because of a number of previous feature enhancements, turns out there
were a few bugs, which have now been fixed.
- Fixed Bug - Removed automatic reloading the software once exited (and
potential memory leak)
- Fixed Bug - Fixed Screensaver bug
- Fixed Bug - Lookup Spammer Functionality
- Fixed Bug - Spammer List Refresh
Version 1.047 (May 28th/2006)
- Added a notice for people using firewalls/having it enabled by default
Version 1.046 (February 8th/2006)
- New & Improved chatbox interface.
Version 1.045 (February 7th/2006)
- A couple bug fixes with regards to the chat window, works great now
Version 1.044 (February 7th/2006)
- Added a built in chatbox forum, so you can chat with other anti-spam members
while getting back at spammers
- Added the ability in the free and bonus versions to add spammers automatically/immediately
in real time to your personal list
Version 1.043b (December 16th/2005)
- Updated a number of internal components of the software that should
make it run much faster and smoother.
Version 1.043 (October 16th/2005)
- Added several new spamsites to the global database
- Updated several existing spammers to include new sites (shutting down old sites and setting up new ones)
- Added notice that for the Type III defense, to prevent spam propogation by spammers running zombies or bot
networks some ISPs have already closed port 25, so type III is deactivated for these ISPs
- Several internal adjustments for better operation
- Updated paid bonus version
Version 1.042b (September 18th/2005)
- Minor adjustment to evaluation version to allow it to run on additional operating systems
- Fixed small bug that would automatically remove an underscore character if used in a custom e-mail submit in
the paid bonus version
Version 1.042 (September 05th/2005)
- Made the software easier to use, added highlightable buttons
- Added some color coding to make spammer list and traffic output easier to read
- Added the ability to add your own spammer to a private database, with the paid bonus version
- Added the ability to submit a spammer for inclusion into the global database, with the paid bonus version
- Added the ability to use proxy servers with the paid bonus version